Thursday, June 10, 2010

Berlin-Warsaw Day 37

May 6, 2010


Day 37 Berlin-Warsaw


The morning was pretty calm as we packed our bags and headed to the train station.  We had one last thing on the agenda before heading back to Warsaw.  The plan was to buy a piece of the Berlin wall.  It wasn't hard to find.  The pieces were everywhere, attached to postcards.  It was just something we had to do.  Then we headed to our platform.  It was insane getting on the train.  There were people pushing and getting in the way.  It was not fun.  Even once on the train we had to push our way through.  People were crowding the aisles.  Unfortunately this train was a cabin train, so it meant that there was a very narrow hall where you could get from one side of the train to the other.  People decided it was a great idea to stand in the middle even though people were trying to pass.  We finally made it to our cabin.  We ended up having a little girl sit next to us who was probably about 2 years old and she entertained us for the trip.  The ride was okay.  Pretty soon, we were back in Warsaw.  The end of an epic journey. 


'Til the next one…          

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