Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Amsterdam Day 33

May 2, 2010


Day 33 Amsterdam


We grabbed some breakfast in the hostel and then headed out for another adventure.  I didn't mention how much Amsterdam reminded me of Venice with all its canal systems, although there was also a good mix of car traffic as well.  Day 2 in Amsterdam was actually not spent in Amsterdam.  We headed out of town by train to a little town that had the M.C. Escher museum.  It wasn't a pleasant day (rainy) so I'm glad that we decided to go indoors.  It was unfortunate, because yesterday the sun had poked its head out in the afternoon, but there was to be no sunshine today.  Anyways, the museum was actually pretty cool and since the art was quite a bit different than any art museum we had seen up until this point, it ended up being a lot easier to appreciate.  There was even a section with Science centre type experiment explaining the art.  It was cool.  We finished up at the museum and then headed back to Amsterdam.  Not knowing what to do next, we headed to the Heineken Brewery for the Heineken Experience.  We've been to the Atlanta's The World of Coca-Cola and it was pretty similar to that, just with alcohol.  It takes you through how the beer is made and you get to see some of the bottling.  It tells you about how it became popular and showed the different bottles it use to be stored in.  We got to eat some of the ingredients and drink some wort and of course we had beer at the end as part of the tour.  It was interesting.  I've noticed that ever since we moved to Europe, I have acquired a taste for beer.  That's good, because we ended up getting 3 glasses with the tour (and it was an expensive tour, so we had to drink the beer to make it worth it!)  It was still raining by the time we got out of the tour, so we headed back to the hostel.  We ended up staying in for the night, with the weather being like it was.   

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